Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sometimes you just have to say when you are MAD

I've settled into the doldrums of winter. It's cold. When I get home from work, I just want a blanket and the couch. I'm reading a good book. I don't have time to blog. American Idol is on. I really don't have time to blog. But today (while watching American Idol) I have been moved to relieve myself of some anger via the blog. By the way, this isn't about politics...exactly.

Yesterday Michelle Obama said “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country" WHAT??? Can I clarify that? She wasn't proud of this country when we...WE .. caused the end of Cold War? When she saw the people tearing down the Berlin Wall one stone at a time? When millions of American flags were hung in yards, taped to office cubes and windows and waved from cars on September 12, 2001? When our government underwent an orderly transition of power in spite of questions of hanging chads and popular vs electoral vote?

Doesn't pride in these things come down to belief in America? And, if she doesn't hold her country dear and believe in America, why would she want to .. and why should she .. be first lady? I don't know either.

1 comment:

melanie said...

I'm still voting for him...he, he he...I like to make you mad :)

your daughter dearest