Monday, April 28, 2008


I've gotten in the habit of turning on food tv when I get home from work, if I'm home in time for my favorites. Today there were a couple recipes on that I'm going to try.

The first was for some awesome sounding bruschetta.

Slice ciabetta bread and drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 10 minutes at 350.
Spread apricot jam on the bread
Layer with one slice fontinella cheese, one slice of a baked chicken breast and some prosciutto.
Drizzle with more olive oil if desired.

It sounded a little strange at first, but Giada mentioned how sometimes sweet and savory complement each other (turkey and cranberry sauce...yeah, one of my favorite sandwiches). And since I LOVE LOVE LOVE prosciutto... mmmm sounds yummy.

The second recipe I will make for Chelsea's graduation party since it includes one of her favorite flavors..

On a brownie, spread Nutella and sprinkle chopped toasted hazelnuts and mini chocolate chips. Put in the oven for a few minutes to melt the chocolate a little and then cool in refrigerator until hard.

Chelsea loves Nutella.. so this will be a good surprise for her!

I'll let you know how things go--

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