Monday, March 24, 2008

Blogs of Note

It's getting so that I could stay home and read blogs all day. I really don't know that many people with blogs. No one I work with...or no one I work with that admits to it. No one in the fam except Mel, as far as I know. And yet, starting at blogger's 'Blogs of Note' list and following links will take you through every phase of life and back again. If I added every one of interest to my favorites, the list would would be un-handleable (I know it's not a word, but you get the idea).

So, in a 'short list', here's what I read today: Short stories, one for every day for 365 days, a 20 something from Australia who has been traveling to Europe, Egypt and Syria for the past 3 months, natural recipes, photos and more photos, someone who reports on what people she runs into are reading (I really liked that one a lot, unfortunately I linked away from it and can't find it again)..and then of course my regulars.

I've added a new favorite or two, moved on from some old favorites. And that's only the 'amateur' blogs. Imagine how much more diverse the selection would be (and how much more time it would require...)if I read the commentators and the entertainers?'s a big, blogging world out there.

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