Monday, March 31, 2008

Looking ahead..

I heard my first morning dove of the year yesterday. Just like smells take me to certain places
the sound of morning doves cooing makes me crave summer. I remember walking out on my deck, in my house in Pittsburgh and looking at my flower gardens and hearing the coo. I remember laying in bed, in my house in Pittsburgh again, with the breeze blowing through the window, the curtains rippling, and hearing the early morning sound. But yesterday I was walking around the yard. It was chilly...sunny blue sky, but the breeze was definitely from the north (thanks, Kyle). Still, to accompany the morning doves, there were several little tiny sprouts of peony popping through. Daffodils growing to bulging full buds, ready for one more day of sun to make them start to pop. Crocuses scattered here and there throughout the flower beds. I love spring. But with the coo coo.... I feel the sultry hot days of summer coming on.

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