Friday, March 21, 2008

It's Friday night...

It's Friday night... I love Friday night. Is there any other time of the week with so much potential? We are sitting at home, relaxing. I was off today so we actually had a good dinner at a reasonable hour. Nothing much is going on... but we have two whole days of weekend in front of us. We have no big Easter plans; it will be a quiet day. We have no big plans for tomorrow either, but Saturdays are always full, even when it's just with little things. The day will start at the coffee shop where we will see friends, chat a little, drink good coffee while we look out at the lake. Then, who knows, at trip to the farmers market for Easter dinner fixin's, maybe a trip to Gettysburg because it's been too long since I last had warm gingerbread and lemon sauce. But how big the plans are never even matters. It's Friday night and there are two whole days of life in front of me. I love Friday night..

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